vbe) will be overwritten with malware code. If you are infected with this worm, you will lose a considerable amount of data in your machine. As a result of that, their machines will also be infected with the Trojan program as yours and also their contact list will also get the same email and it will continue as an email chain. Once your contacts get your email, they’ll also tend to open the attachment. At the same time it will go through your email address book and send the same email that you got, to your contacts. Then it will let your windows explorer download a Trojan program(WIN-BUGSFIX.EXE) onto your machine. Once you click on the attachment, it will execute the VBScript. Subject : ILOVEYOU Body : kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me. You will receive an email as follows with an attachment. According to the remarks with in the malware file, it seems to be originated in Philippines by a person under the alias of “spyder”. This is a worm type malware written in Visual Basic Script.
So for this, I use Love Letter for You (aka ILOVEYOU, Love Bug) malware which infected windows machines since early 2000. Here I’m going to give you a basic idea of how does malware work. Malware Source Code Analysis (Love Letter for You)